Informatica Wins Snowflake Data Lake Partner of the Year

Last Published: Jun 29, 2022 |
Tamara Striffler
Tamara Striffler

And the Winner Is...?  Informatica!  

Informatica is honored to win Snowflake Data Lake Partner of the Year

We’re excited to announce that Informatica was recognized as the Snowflake Data Lake Partner of the Year for Cloud Analytics this week at Snowflake’s virtual partner summit. Thanks to our longstanding partnership and deep technology integrations, we’ve been designated an Elite partner in their new Technology Partner Program and are Snowflake-ready. That means our joint solution is validated and certified on Snowflake, so customers can feel confident as they modernize their data warehouses and data lakes in the cloud.  


As a key member of Snowflake Data Cloud ecosystem, Informatica supports all of Snowflake’s core workloads – Data Engineering, Data Warehouse, Data Lakes, Data Science, Data Applications and Data Exchange. Helping joint customers to harness the power of Snowflake by mobilizing and governing data into the Snowflake Cloud Data Platform with intelligent enterprise cloud data management.     

Powerful and Simple Data Integration Now Available--Free

Consider Informatica as theintegration and governance layer thatis purpose-built to supporttheSnowflakeData Cloud. Informatica providespowerful,easy to useenterprise-scaleclouddata managementthat iscloud-native,AI-driven,automated, andmulti-cloud.Our joint goal is to helpyou knowwhat data youhave,get access to that data,governthedata,and getthe highest qualitydata into the handsof your end users, whetherthatisline of business, customers,orpartners. And we do itfast—todrive growth.

Toput this power into the handsof our joint customers, wehaverecently launched InformaticaIntelligent Cloud Services(IICS)Accelerator for SnowflakeonSnowflake Partner Connect.The accelerator makesiteasy to set up IICSwithin the Snowflake UIand get startedmoving large-scale workloads for free.

This new offering enables users to easily profile, integrate, and stage up to1billionrows of datapermonth, forfree.Leveragingtheindustry’s leadingiPaaS,Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Accelerator for Snowflake includes:

  • Broad Range of Connectivity:Take advantage of out-of-the-box connectivity to hundreds of databases, data lakes, on-premises,and SaaS applications while also supporting access to virtually any data type. Users of IICS Accelerator for Snowflake will be able to selectfour out of 20of the most popular connectors for Snowflake within IICS.

Providing Customers withaModern Unified Cloud Data Architecture

Together,weare helping customersacross every industry todrive their cloud-first initiatives andgainrapid insightsfrom one of their most valuable resources, data.With our modern unified cloud data architecture,customerscanacceleratemodernizing to a cloud data warehouse ordata lake on Snowflake. 

But don’t take it from us. Check out howsome of ourjoint customersare usingSnowflake and Informaticatorevolutionizetheir business and drivecloud modernization:

  • Read how VemoEducationis revolutionizingeducation financingbyreducing the time spent on repetitive tasksfrom 80 hours to5 minutes.
  • WatchhowPaycordeliversactionable insightsandimprovesitsend-to-end ETL process from 4 hours to under 1 hour.
  • See howHome Point Financialis disrupting its marketand saving moneywith an analytics platform.

Get StartedToday!


First Published: Jun 17, 2020